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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Stormy Weather, Cherry Cokes

I am bored by certain people. I am not aggravated or angry, i am not remorseful or regretful. I'm not lurking or caring, I'm not prying or even asking. I just don't care, really.

Its actually quite funny, and I love the fact that people get such a rise out of being 'neglected, dejected and left behind'. Why am I so happy about this, lets see

  • I have kept the friends that i have made through hard work and effort. And i have done it without forcing people to pick sides, causing people to respect me, instead of continuing to befriend me because of a sense of pity.
  • I have moved forward professionally, creatively, romantically and socially. I have made it beyond what I have ever expected i such a short period of time. I have not sated myself with my accomplishments so far, I always want more, which keeps me moving forward
  • I am capable of taking the bad influences from my life, while retaining the lessons in humility, in pride, in caring and in influence that they have taught me.
  • I have realized the importance of language, the power of effective communication and the necessity for honesty and openness.
  • I have realized that unlike a lot of people, the only ones i want in my life are the ones that can not only take, but can give criticism effectively and with honesty.
  • I have learned that apologizing is a sign of weakness, and pointless if not meant, if not honest. Apologizing without being sorry is a waste of time, of words.

Regardless, I am happy of where I am. I am thankful. for the friends I have, I am happy with the things I have said and I am relieved to not have to deal with anymore childish whining on any one's part.

In closing, If you think its worth your time to open your mouth and discuss me, let me tell you now that its not. I really don't care and you will be wasting your time. It will not bother me, and more than likely, it will just make me laugh at your ignorance, immaturity and border-line insanity.

Now, lets go have a soda and watch Bob Saget get roasted.

p.s. I also highly recommend you learn to use a spelling and grammar checker. It could potentially save you much undue embarrassment.


About This Blog

My small contribution to wide world of sharing useless, random, pointless, yet interesting information across the web. A shameless plug for my awesomeness. A collection of random and amazing things.

I write reviews, I write stories, I write about my daily occurences, I complain about everything. I have a few blogs throughout the world, but this one is my favorite, mostly because it's mine.

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Words Of Wisdom

Both reading and writing are acts of supreme faith. They are both, in essence, a call to grace, a belief in the miraculous - that we might come to see through stories what we had not previously seen, that we might come to understand what had, before that moment, remained uncertain, undefined. The mask of fiction, of writing and reading stories, does not, in the end, disguise our faces but instead reveals who we really are. In the, stories acknowledge life's difficulty and sadness but insist that we go on anyway, that we always hold to our faith, to our belief in grace.

- John Gregory Brown

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