You Just Kissed My Mole
Lately I have been thinking that I want to change the name of this blog. There are a couple of ideas that I have been playing around with in my head, but I haven't committed to one yet. I want something more fun, something a little more me. We'll see what I come up with. We'll see what it is that i finally come up with, what i finally decide on, and how long it'll actually last. yay!
Moving on. Sept 25 till the 28th will be a Fun time for me. Kevin, Liza and I (and potentially Katie) will be hitting the blacktop for fun times. We'll be headed to the ATL, for the only Ratatat stop in the southeast. We're gonna hang out the rest of the weekend and see the Georgia aquarium, go somewhere around five points, maaaayyyybe see the Olympic stadium. Then we make our way to the Cut Copy and Presets show at the masquerade again. Should be fun. If you have any suggestion for things to do. Go ahead and let me know.
In other news, I got a new camera today, so look for many more pictures and fun, nerdy fun!
***EDIT: totally just realized that camera does video
that batman comic is amazing!
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