I know I've been absent, and trying to pass the time and make things okay by posting stories I've been forced to write for school, by posting stupid youtube videos my boss sends my way. Playtime has been taken away from me and It is slightly aggravating. There no excuse for it, I'm sorry (although the Youtube video was incredibly hilarious).
So today, I give you a real post, and to get things off to a good start, an Actual update of things going on in the wide world of melanie. Bullet Style
- We ( a group of close, business minded friends and I) have started talks on getting something together so that a few of us don't have to dedicate our lives to making other peoples tons of money anymore.
- Written way too much in the two weeks I've been in school, slacked off on my reading, so far so good
- Had my interview with Dawn from Black Kids - look for that to be up on Don't Sleep Orlando soon. The feature will be published in the Orlando Weekly the week of September 14th (issue comes out wed, Sept 17) and should be available online (I think).
- I Made the absolute most delicious Pasta Carbonara from scratch for dinner last night. Yums.
By the way, if you ever get to the point where you miss me way soo much you can't stand it and start to cry in bed while crying out my name, don't fret. You can always keep up with the things that I'm enjoying, sites I'm perusing and Images I love suddenly on my
Now for the Fun stuff. OMG Shoes!
Yeah baby, LA Gear! Remember late in Elementary School when you rocked you LA gear with pride? You went home to watch cartoons and bugged your mom for an erector set or something. You were the Shit! Well now all you nostalgic fucks can get back a chunk of your childhood with the re-release of the line.
More images click:
HereLA Gear's New WebsiteNIKE AIR MAX 90 (FRUIT TINGLES)
What a great name. For a pair of kicks specifically geared towards ladies, This shoe reminds me of pixie stix and lemonaide.
Full Article:
Puma has just released a variety of colorways in the Puma Basket model, which is actually a collaboration along with Vaughn Bode. The patterns used on these are basically consisted of four colors, including black, red, grey, and white. They also feature star patterns along th upper, and alothough minimal, along with the simple gloss effect help bring a lot to the shoes.
I totally almost bought these these past weekend in Miami, which by the way, has a great assortment of amazing shoes at the most unexpected places. Vaughn Bode has always been a personal favorite of mine. At just shy of $75, the classic design of this baby is ultra-wearable, and will definitely showcase your amazing taste in art, fashion and shoes.
Now for some tunes for ya:
Mixylodian -
River of MilkThird Wave -
Elanor Rigby (Beatles Cover)Jackson 5, Tittsworth, aned Green -
Easy Like ABC (Immuzikation Blend)(zshare)Autokratz -
Stay the Same (80 Kidz Remix)(320)BONUS SONG:
Because I've made my love for this guy perfectly clear, here are two more gems for your collection.
Modeselektor - GodspeedModeselektor - The Dark Side Of The SunCan anyone confirm that its Dose One's little squeal on there. <3 him. I can't tell.