Review: Hancock and Wanted
On Freeze Dried Movies SimSandwich gives a pretty damn good explication of the Movie's General plotline, so good in fact that I get to be lazy and just ctrl+c:
John Hancock, an alcoholic, irritable, and burnt-out superhero who technically protects Los Angeles from every day criminals. As the film begins, he more or less accidentally stops the escape of a car full of robbers, and in the process destroys countless buildings, sections of the freeway, and vehicles.
Right, Drunk superhero, destroys more than he protects. Just what the trailer said. Moving Along:
Meanwhile, our other lead, Ray (Jason Bateman) is also on the outs – he’s a PR rep who wants to save the world, not his client’s bottom line. As luck would have it, Hancock saves Ray from near death when his car gets stuck on the train tracks, and to repay him, Ray decides to take Hancock as a new client, working to repair his image. Ray takes Hancock home to meet his family: a young son, and his beautiful wife (Charlize Theron), who is automatically suspicious of Hancock’s intentions.
Her suspicion can clue the attentive watcher on what is going on. While the newer trailer spills the beans on the secret that Hancock carries with him, it doesnt really hint much towards what that secret is. A smart move on the studio's part, although I'm not too sure where I sit with this. The secret changes the story's ultimate meaning, as well as the ultimate significance of Hancock as a character, not only in the movie itself, but in our ass-fucked little world. The twist hints at a higher calling for superheros, and forces you to consider them as angels, or god. To get really heady, the movie ultimately forces you to evaluate what your own damn role in this world is.
I'v heard mixed reviews of how this plot 'twist' has made people feel, but me personally, i liked it. As Sim said
at the end of the day, the film is about all three characters, not just Hancock.
And the necessary change in the story line not only adds substance to an otherwise vapid film, it ultimately makes the movie what it is.
I would recommend it if youre bored on a tuesday, if you want to see drunk people fly, and if youre an arrested development fan who wants to see Jason Bateman do his thing, or if you've seen everything else already. If you own a t.v. the size of Tecas, you may as well just wait for DVD.
Did you see Crank? Did you love it? cuz if you did, then youre gonna flip over backwards and piss yourself in excitement over Wanted. A Dick Flick at heart, this movie packs an awesome punch with hot women (or woman, really), secret soceities, Morgan Freeman, car chases, explosions, even rats with bombs on their backs.
Really, though, the special effects make this movie. I mean, bullet rewinds, rats that crawl up peanut butter covered tracks into a dump truck by the thousands, bending bullets?? You know that shit's not real. Still, its pulled off very well.
For the Post-Production afficionados out there, I can say that there was some wonderful post work in this movie. Colors, effects, lighting, were all near perfect, but you really shouldnt expect anything less from big budget hollywood.
To sum it up, let me say this: It is not often that I go to a movie and say "That was fun, lets do it again" when the credits start rolling. This time I did just that.
Oh, and one of my fav NIN songs is in the movie. I couldnt find it online for download. but here's a vid.
Love me. Sing my praises.
i liked wanted and have nothing against NIN but i haaaaated how they placed the music in the movie. we, the audience, got what he was going through in the beginning, the lyrics over the story were too much for me.
as for hancock, i haven't heard good things but i am indeed a jason bateman fan so i'll probably go see it soon.
Totally agreed about the lyrics. I think just the instrumental wouldve worked just fine.
I overlooked it just cuz i love that song so much.
Haven't seen Hancock but did see Wanted. It was entertaining and all but the whole "a magic blanket tells us who to kill" thing wrecked it for me.
I laughed so hard when they revealed that. So so hard. it was awesome.
please note: I mean awesome with total sarcarm.
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