Random: More Google Humor, Daily MP3s
A while ago I made a post about all the strange little quirks that you could entertain yourself with on the vast array of Google site. Spending about 98% of my life in front of the computer, I have a lot of time to spend looking for more of these (often) useless treasure. I recently discovered even more Amazing Google secrets, similar to the ones I had listed in that older post.
- GOOGLE MAPS - It’s been fixed now, but it used to be possible to ask Google Maps for directions from your house in Poughkeepsie (I just love the name of that city) to, say, the Vatican in Rome and be told that you would have to swim many thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean in order to get there. Google’s way of saying Americans need more exercise
- FLIGHT SIMULATOR - Within the Folds of the Google Earth program is a flight simulator. Accessed by pressing Ctrl-Alt-A on the keyboard (or Command-Option-A for you Mac users), you’re given the chance to try your hand at piloting either a propeller-powered plane or an F16 jet. You’re also given a choice of starting from a number of famous airports. Controls are available, and they’re worth a gander. This is harder than it seems
- iGOOGLE 3:14AM - That infamous little beast that usually swims in that dark lake in Loch Ness can be spotted just off the coast of Google at 3:14am. If you set your browser to the Beach iGoogle theme and wait, hopefully staying awake, little Nessie will surface from the sea for approximately 60 seconds. The rumor is that Google developers wanted to create a tribute to the mathematical quantity Pi or something (roughly equal to 3.14159 as in 3:14am). On other themes, you can spot the Aurora Borealis (Seasonal Scape), spot kitsune (mythical fox spirits common to Japanese folklore) appearing in the Tea House theme, or see an alien abduction all at 3:14am.
- GOOGLE LANGUAGES - Love Cartoons? Ever wanted to momentarily pretend you were Elmer Fudd? Google gives you that chance with Google Elmer Fudd. Further possibilities include Pig Latin and even Klingon. Shouldve guessed that all those Saturday Mornings would’ve affected a few.
- GOOGLE GULP - In 2005, Google decided that--instead of just making Google searches smarter--it would do its damndest to make the people conducting Google searches smarter as well. The solution--literally--was Google Gulp Beta, a drink formulated in four yummy flavors (Glutamate Grape, Sugar-Free Radical, Beta Carroty, and Sero-Tonic Water). The secret ingredient: a chemical compound designed to optimize the drinker's use of the Google search engine by rendering the individual more intelligent. For all you non-MENSA members, here's the bad news: It was another Google hoax. Oh, well--back to MSG and syrupy radicals...

- GOOGLE EASTER EGG GAME - If you type in “google easter eggs” and hit the”I’m Feeling Lucky” button, you’re treated to a minigame in which you control a rabbit and have to catch eggs which then spell out the word “Google”.
- GOOGLE ROMANCE - Since 2000, Google has honored Every April Fool's Day by preying on the gullible. In 2006, it went after lonely hearts with a Google Romance beta program, which purported to offer "users both a psychographic matchmaking service and all-expenses-paid dates for couples who agree to experience contextually relevant advertising throughout the course of their evening." Free foods for ads? I’m just wondering what they meant by ‘experience’
- GMAIL PAPER - As part of a 2007 April Fool's Day joke, Google announced the debut of Gmail Paper, which would allow users to create a hard copy of their entire Gmail account. In a nod toward environmental consciousness, Google said that it would avoid cutting trees down to print people's Gmail archives, instead using paper composed of "96 percent post-consumer organic soybean sputum." Oh well.
- GOOGLE GOTH AND LOCO - To find this hidden Google treasure, type 'Google Gothic' into the Google search field and--instead of hitting the Search button--select 'I'm feeling lucky.' You'll see Googoth, a specialized search engine that caters to "dark, gothic, industrial, and alternative topics." This search site is not related to Google. Another specialized site unrelated to Google is Google Loco, a parody of Google that's rife with bouncy characters and flashing colors. Tip: Try Google Loco in Internet Explorer for an even better, muy loco experience.
- GOOGLE ESP SEARCH - Have you ever been too lazy to type in your Google search query? If so, consider Google MentalPlex search. This Google service figures out what you're looking for before you touch the keyboard, by analyzing the previous five sites you visited and factoring in your local air pressure, your astrological sign, and the "speed and vector of your mouse movements." Okay, you didn't have to conduct an imaginary search to figure this one out: Google MentalPlex was the April Fool's Day hoax for 2000.
- GOOGLE STREET VIEWS - The Google employees that make our favorite cool Google services often go unrecognized. But that's not the case with Google Street Views. In a rare Google display of self-acclaim. the Google Street View team posed in the back of the company's Googleplex headquarters in Mountain View, California in--you guessed it--a Google Street View. Other Google Street View nifties, include the view of a drive by shooting (?!), and I’m sure more I haven’t found yet.
- GOOGLE TiSP - Are you poor? Well then cheapskates rejoice. If you ever wished for no-cost broadband Internet access without having to steal it from your neighbor or discommode yourself in any way, Google's free (but advertising-supported) TiSP service is a dream come true. To get TiSP (short for Toilet Internet Service Provider), you first obtain a free self-install kit from Google. Next, you flush one end of the fiber-optic cable (included in kit) down the toilet and then wait for about an hour while the line is connected to the Internet via a "Plumbing Hardware Dispatcher (PHD)." Now hook up your Google wireless router and you're done. Yeah, it was a Google hoax.
- GOOGLE TV - oh, GoogleTV. Simply follow the steps outlined by Infinite Solutions host Mark Erickson in this instructional video. The bad news: If you hope to gain on-demand streaming access to ABC, CBC, NBC, and Fox's primetime line-ups, you'll be sorely disappointed. Infinite Solutions is a parody of a tech show, and none of its mirthful tech "tutorials" really work.
- Lastly, here’s a screen shot of that Teddy Bear Thing in Picasa (Ctrl-Shift-Y):
Love it.
On a completely unrealted note, I just found out my friend David will have his art featured on Burger King bags, cups, f on the package for their fries and onion ring holders. It goes without saying that the man is an amazing artist. His girlfriend, my life-long best friend, Tati told me this amazing news today. And I am just beyond proud of him. Good Job Dave!
Moving on, it’s the summer, and I’m working myself to the bone. I got a new desk for my little ol apartment, but I can’t get it in there without a truck and without first moving the giant snake/reptile enclosure that used to house my Burmese python out the door and down the uneven stairs to the dumpster.
It will happen. Just Give me time.
Some Music For You:
My Fav of the Day:
Gang Gang - House Jam - (XXXchange Remix)
And Favs of the last week or so:
LA Riots – If I could ft. Jadis
Chromeo – Bonafied Lovin (Yuksek Remix)
Rewind - South Central - Kerosene (Big Black Cover)
Anoraak - Sunday Night Fever (Neon Coyote Remix)
Heartache feat. Cujo - What Does It Mean (Calling In Sick Remix)
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