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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Badass: Google Humor

Google Search

Answer: President of the United States - George W. Bush

Search: French Military Victories
Im feeling lucky
Answer: Did you mean: french military defeats

Search: Find Chuck Norris
Answer: Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.

GOOGLE Calculator
Question: Answer to Life, Universe and Everything
Answer: 42

Question: mass of the sun?
Answer: mass of the sun = 1.98892 × 1030 kilograms

Question: mass of the moon?
Answer: mass of the Moon = 7.36 × 1022 kilograms

Question: mass of the earth?
Answer: mass of Earth = 5.9742 × 1024 kilograms

Question: the answer to life, the universe and everything plus the number of horns on a unicorn
Answer: the answer to life, the universe and everything plus the number of horns on a unicorn = 43

Question: what’s the speed of sound at sea level?
Answer: speed of sound at sea level = 340.29 m / s

Question: number of horns on a unicorn multiplied by the answer to life, the universe and everything furlongs in yoctometres
Answer: number of horns on a unicorn multiplied by the answer to life, the universe and everything furlongs = 8.449056 × 1027 yoctometers

Question: number of horns on a unicorn
Answer: number of horns on a unicorn = 1

Question: the answer to life, the universe and everything
Answer: the answer to life, the universe and everything = 42

Question: What’s the answer to life, the universe and everything multiplied by the speed of light divided by three teaspoons?
Answer: (the answer to life, the universe and everything multiplied by the speed of light) divided by (three US teaspoons) = 8.51523874 × 1014 m-2 s-1

Question: how many seconds in a decade?
Answer: 1 decade = 315 569 260 seconds

Question: 14 to binary Answer: 14 = 0b1110 Question: e^((pi)*i)+1
Answer: (e^(pi * i)) + 1 = 0

Question: 15th root of 1024 Answer:
15th root of 1 024 = 1.58740105

Question: what is the golden ratio
Answer: the golden ratio = 1.61803399

Question: 1 smoot in feet
Answer: 1 smoot = 5.58333333 feet

Question: 1 cubit in feet
Answer: 1 cubit = 1.5 feet

Question: 1 hand in feet
Answer: 1 hand = 0.333333333 feet

Question: 1 span in feet
Answer: 1 span = 0.75 feet

Question: 1 flemish ell in feet
Answer: 1 flemish ell = 2.25 feet

Question: 1 fathom in feet
Answer: 1 fathom = 6 feet

Question: the answer to life, the universe and everything plus the number of horns on a unicorn
Answer: 43

Google Picasa
Teddy Bears

Google Maps
Christmas - Pegman becomes a snowman
Halloween -Pegman dons a witch costume; on
Valentine’s Day, Pegman stands on a heart instead of his usual green circle; and whenever Pegman sets foot on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley, California - tie-dye-shirted hippie.

Google Mail
GMAIL Spam Folder
If you go to your Spam Folder in Gmail, you’ll notice that where you might expect to see an ad of some type, you instead see a recipe that features Spam as the main ingredient. Spam Imperial Tortilla Sandwiches, anyone? Or how about Spam Quiche? For other gastronomical options that feature the pink slab, keep checking your Gmail Spam box.

Google Search Engines



Google Parodies
These search sites are not related to Google.

Google Gothic:

Google Loco
IE: Search so good, you don't even need to understand what you're looking for.


About This Blog

My small contribution to wide world of sharing useless, random, pointless, yet interesting information across the web. A shameless plug for my awesomeness. A collection of random and amazing things.

I write reviews, I write stories, I write about my daily occurences, I complain about everything. I have a few blogs throughout the world, but this one is my favorite, mostly because it's mine.

Feel free to Email The Monster

Words Of Wisdom

Both reading and writing are acts of supreme faith. They are both, in essence, a call to grace, a belief in the miraculous - that we might come to see through stories what we had not previously seen, that we might come to understand what had, before that moment, remained uncertain, undefined. The mask of fiction, of writing and reading stories, does not, in the end, disguise our faces but instead reveals who we really are. In the, stories acknowledge life's difficulty and sadness but insist that we go on anyway, that we always hold to our faith, to our belief in grace.

- John Gregory Brown

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