Badass: Lately,
Time has been crawling by at work these past few days, and while there are probably lots of reasons for this, the one that I can't help but blame is that my boss is making me write an article about out company.
Not a huge deal, if there was something wonderous to write about. I mean, when i sit down and think about what we have accomplished, I cry a little, because i dont really know. Oh well.
On a totally different, yet odly related note, Stumble and My tumblr have been my guardians of sanity. I thank them for existing and for giving me the opportunity to share, mostly with myself, the randomness of shit i think is cool. Angry pandas that make me happy and little cryptic messages that say the things i can't say to people i should say them to.
So some freak earthquake rocked china. Apparently there are some 500,000 people missing or dead or whatever. My boss couldn't wrap his big head around it, and was making a big fuss about that, comparing it to the death toll from Vietnam and other wars. going on and on and on and on.
Dude, its china. shutthefuckup.
anyways, I'll come back later for more, right now, all i'm thinking is tattoos, and cuddles and being back in my bed.
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