Video: Ratatat - Mirando
Can't wait to own this album
1. MUSHROOM: 'when all my family get in the car, there's not
2. CHEESE: The teacher told Pepito to use the word cheese in a
sentence. Pepito replies: Maria likes me, pero Cheese fat.
3. SHOULDER: My tia wanted 2 become a citizen but she didn't know how
to read so I shoulder.
4. TEXAS: My wife always Texas me when I'm not home wondering where I'm at!
5. HERPES: Me and my girlfriend ordered pizza. I got mine piece and she got herpes.
6. JULY: Ju told me ju were going to tha store and July to me! Julyer!
7. RECTUM: I had 2 cars pero my wife rectum!
8. JUAREZ: One day my abuelita slapped me and I said juarez your problem?'
9. CHICKEN: I was going to go to the store with my wife pero chicken
go herself.
coffee brownies
Recipe from
Pete Bakes.
1 cup butter, soft
2 cups sugar
2 tsp vanilla
4 eggs
4 oz unsweetened baking chocolate, melted and cooled
1 cup flour
1/2 cup chocolate chips
2-3 Tbsp instant coffee
1. in a large bowl, blend together the butter and sugar.
2. add vanilla, eggs, melted chocolate, coffee, flour and chocolate chips.
3. pour into a greased and floured 9×13 inch pan and bake at 325 F for 35 minutes.
5. get giant glass of milk and devour brownies until food coma ensues.
Yes, I know there is no step 4, but it is not my recipe, so you figure it out.
I woke up with cramps this morning. I came work and continued to suffer through them. Ive been sitting here feeling generally shitty, having random conversations with random people about things along the lines of Rice, uterus removal and coyotes and hate.
mayochup: i hate you
mayochup: and chocolate
mayochup: and kittens
mayochup: i hate the world right now
mayochup: i hate kisses
mayochup: and cuddles
mayochup: i hate puppies
mayochup: i hate ice cream
kcoll98: why do you hate?
mayochup: because i hurt
My boss keeps telling me i look like a pitiful pile of garbage. I want to choke him with the Mr. Bill bobble head on my desk.
I've decided to list a bunch of shit that annoys me. 25 to be exact. There are more. Enjoy.
1. People who stop in merge lanes
2. People who don't say thank you when you hold the door open for them
3. Shoes that don't come in your size
4. Good TV shows getting canceled
5. broken fingernails
6. People who dont keep their word
7. People who never appreciate the good things you do but point out your faults
8. Non-commiters
9. People who cut you off in merge lanes and then slow down to turn immediately
10. Screaming kids and parents that don't care
11. People that interrupt you when your telling a story and then they continue to tell you their story and then ask you in an uninterested tone to continue on with your story when they are finished talking.
12. Dirty keyboards.
13. Jav standing over my shoulder reading the computer screen.
14. People who go the wrong way in a parking lot.
15. people who take 45 minutes to answer an IM
16. burning cookies because you followed directions
17. Internet lag
18. Movie sequels that are unnecessary.
19. Skinny jeans on men
20. printer jams
21. milk that goes bad before you finish it
22.Caps Lock in text or in email, when PEOPLE SHOUT.
23. Girls who wear way too much make up.
24. People who always have to be right and have the last word.
25. people who talk about nothing but politics
1 cup butter, soft
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
up to 2 tbsp milk
Preheat oven to 350F.
In a large mixing bowl, cream together butter and sugar. Mix in flour, baking powder and salt at a low speed, followed by the vanilla and milk, adding in the milk as needed to make the dough come together without being sticky (it’s possible you might not need to add milk at all). The dough should come together into a soft, not-too-sticky ball. Add in a bit of extra flour if your dough is very sticky.
Roll the dough (working in two or three batches) out between pieces of wax paper to about 1/4-inch thickness (or slightly less) and use a 1 1/2-inch cookie cutter to make rounds. Place on a parchment lined baking sheet and use a knife, or the end of a wide straw, to cut a smaller center hole. Repeat with remaining dough. Alternatively, use scant tablespoons of dough and press into an even layer in a mini donut pan to form the rounds.
Bake cookies for 10-12 minutes, until bottoms are lightly browned and cookies are set. If using a mini donut pan, bake for only about 10 minutes, until edges are light gold.
Cool for a few minutes on the baking sheet then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
3 cups shredded coconut (sweetened or unsweetened)
12-oz good-quality chewy caramels
1/4 tsp salt
3 tbsp milk
8 oz. dark or semisweet chocolate (chocolate chips are ok)
Preheat oven to 300. Spread coconut evenly on a parchment-lined baking sheet (preferably one with sides) and toast 20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes, until coconut is golden. Cool on baking sheet, stirring occasionally. Set aside.
Unwrap the caramels and place in a large microwave-safe bowl with milk and salt. Cook on high for 3-4 minutes, stopping to stir a few times to help the caramel melt. When smooth, fold in toasted coconut with a spatula.
Using the spatula or a small offset spatula, spread topping on cooled cookies, using about 2-3 tsp per cookie. Reheat caramel for a few seconds in the microwave if it gets too firm to work with.
While topping sets up, melt chocolate in a small bowl. Heat on high in the microwave in 45 second intervals, stirring thoroughly to prevent scorching. Dip the base of each cookie into the chocolate and place on a clean piece of parchment paper. Transfer all remaining chocolate (or melt a bit of additional chocolate, if necessary) into a piping bag or a ziplock bag with the corner snipped off and drizzle finished cookies with chocolate.
Let chocolate set completely before storing in an airtight container.
Makes about 3 1/2-4 dozen cookies.
Time has been crawling by at work these past few days, and while there are probably lots of reasons for this, the one that I can't help but blame is that my boss is making me write an article about out company.
Not a huge deal, if there was something wonderous to write about. I mean, when i sit down and think about what we have accomplished, I cry a little, because i dont really know. Oh well.
On a totally different, yet odly related note, Stumble and My tumblr have been my guardians of sanity. I thank them for existing and for giving me the opportunity to share, mostly with myself, the randomness of shit i think is cool. Angry pandas that make me happy and little cryptic messages that say the things i can't say to people i should say them to.
So some freak earthquake rocked china. Apparently there are some 500,000 people missing or dead or whatever. My boss couldn't wrap his big head around it, and was making a big fuss about that, comparing it to the death toll from Vietnam and other wars. going on and on and on and on.
Dude, its china. shutthefuckup.
anyways, I'll come back later for more, right now, all i'm thinking is tattoos, and cuddles and being back in my bed.
Take Your Breath Away
by Chris D Lavigne
I would kiss your lips
to take in your breath and speak
What is inside you
Double-Delight Peanut Butter Cookies
adapted from Carolyn Gurtz's Million Dollar Cookies
1/4 cup dry roasted peanuts, finely chopped
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 package (16.5 ounces) Pillsbury Create' n Bake refrigerated peanut butter cookies, well chilled
Preheat oven to 375 degree.
In a small bowl, mix chopped peanuts, granulated sugar and cinnamon; set aside.
In another bowl, stir peanut butter and powdered sugar until completely blended. Shape the mixture into 24 1-inch balls.
Cut a roll of cookie dough into 12 slices. Cut each slice in half, crosswise to make 24 pieces; flatten slightly.
Shape one cookie dough piece around one peanut butter ball, covering completely. Repeat with remaining dough and balls.
Roll each covered ball in peanut mixture; gently pat the mixture completely onto the balls. On ungreased cookie sheets, place balls 2 inches apart.
Spray the bottom of a drinking glass with cooking spray. Flatten each ball to 1/4-inch thickness with the bottom of a glass. Sprinkle any remaining peanut mixture evenly on tops of cookies; gently press into the dough.
Bake 7 to 12 minutes (mine took eleven) or until edges are golden brown. Cool one minute; remove from cookie sheets to cooling rack. Store tightly covered.
by Beth Hammontree
Let me not say I love you,
Although you know that it is true.
That phrase has been so much abused,
Misunderstood and over-used.
Let me say rather "I think you,
Breathe you, taste you, feel you, dream you,"
That you help make each day complete,
And life has never been so sweet.
made me think of you.
you know who you are.
Seriously, one of my new favorite Bands. The kings of Remix and being Remixed.
A little bit of Calm
Hot Chip - One Pure Thought(ysi)
A little bit of amazing
hot chip - wearing my rolex wiley cover (zshare)
and in the same vein there's Late of the Pier - Space in the Woods (Primary 1 Remix). Calm and Cool, this song can lull you into heaven.
1. Make up fake acronyms. Online veterans like to use abbreviations like IMHO (in my humble opinion) or RTFM (read the fucking manual) to show that they're "hep" to the lingo. Make up your own that don't stand for anything (SETO, BARL, CP30), use them liberally, and then refuse to explain what they stand for ("You don't know that? RTFM").
3. When replying to your mail, correct everyone's grammar and spelling and point out their typos, but don't otherwise respond to the content of their messages. when they respond testily to your "creative criticism," do it again. Continue until they go away.
4. Software and files offered online are often "compressed" so that they won't take so long to travel over the phone lines. Buy a compression program and compress everything you send, including one-word e-mail responses like "Thanks."
5. Upload text files with Bible passages about sin or guilt and give them names like "SexyHousewivesI," then see how many people download it. Challenge your friends to come up with the most popular come-ons.
6. cc: all your e-mail to the vice president ( so that he can keep track of what's happening on the Internet.
7. Join a discussion group and tie whatever's being discussed back to an unrelated central theme. For instance, if you're in a discussion of gun control, respond to every message with the observation that those genetically superior tomatoes seem to have played an important role. Within days, all discussion of gun control will have ceased as people write you threatening messages and instruct others to ignore you.
Quite the interesting Group, with quite the interesting name My Robot Friend makes me think of the days when I was 19 and obsessed with metal humanesque beings. Sentient or not, Robots have always been cool as hell.
Now they just got cooler.
They go to Robot High School...
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