I have pets because I hate people
Animals don’t use logic, they act based purely on instinct and survival, they dont complain, they dont judge, they eat, fuck, kill, sleep, and live in response to the world around. The thing that angers me about people, is the ability to think is there, but seldom used properly.
So people dont just do, they think about what theyre going to eat, where they are going to eat it and with what sauces, they ponder the kind of beverage they want ad infinitym, they debate about the best position to fuck, how hard, how soft, whether or not to make eye contact, to be loud. People dream of their kill and how it wouldve worked out, and they wonder where they will sleep, they wonder how long they will sleep, and in what position.
All this fucking time spent thinking…for what?
We still react, we still respond, and we still have basic needs that, despite all this fucking brain ramming, we still cannot figure out. With this amazing cerebrum, comes great resposibility, that we, as people, should act out of.
We have a brain to make thoughts happen. REAL THOUGHTS, not just things you think are important, that tommorow you wont even remember.
We have a brain to make decisions. REAL DECISIONS, the kind that affect you for years, that changes you to the core, not the kind that involve fast food or take out.
and yet, we respond based on our feelings, not our needs, and heres what happens: you fight, you argue, you disagree, you get a bad name, you leave friends behind and you move on, you think youre better, convinced of change, you find new people, you have an awesome time, you get comfortable you start to be yourself, true personalities clash, and you fight, you argue, bla bla bla…..
in the end: you. are. still. empty.
Its like having the keys to a jet plane and opting to go by boat, then complaining about how long the trip took. I want my people to act like my animals, I want them to take what they need and not make excuses for who they are. I want them to see that sometimes, different species of people should not be kept in the same cage. I want them to realize that, and just like in nature, realize that shit can be fucking lethal.
so step back. walk away.
The world doesnt need me, and I dont need you.
That we made it this far is a study in improbability. That I still care is a testament to my humanity. That you don’t see this, is proof that there is too much going on in your head that means nothing, and not enough subtance for all the content (read: crap) you carry around.
sift through it, back to primal. Act as if you dont care if anyone is watching (because you know it doesnt matter what they say). Talk as if you KNOW your words are true (because you thought before speaking).
Forget the lunch order, there are million more important things happening right now.
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