Going away for a while
In case you may have noticed, I have been somewhat absent lately. I work a full time job, freelance a couple more jobs and write for a few places. I have a house to keep and cats to feed. So here's the deal, where every so often i may still post the occasional shit on this here bloggy, you know, to let you know how much I miss you but the majority of my posts will now be split up on two, already existing (and totally awesome)sites.
Along with show photos, reviews and write-ups already on the site. Smile for Camera will now host all my 'lifestyle' posts. This means all my sneakers, awesome clothing, cool gadgets, amazing artists and the like will all now be on SFC. Its a fun little blog, so go check it out. Especially if you live anywhere in Florida, (especially Orlando, Miami, West Palm Beach) and Georgia and just pretty much the south east united states.
My Tumblr. Think of it as the etc. section of your filing cabinet. This nifty little blog is the shit, and is where you'll now find the cool shit i stumble on, random pictures I take and other varios miscellany that I know not where to place.
so that's that.
Orlando locals don't forget to check Don't Sleep Orlando as well for complete listings on what's going on around you!
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