A Whole Other Week
This week marks my third and (hopefully) final return to being a student at the University of Central Florida. Taking Art of Cinema, Linguistics and Literature and the Advanced Fiction Writing workshop, writing for the O-Weekly, keeping my full time job puts me in an inevitably incredibly busy position. The nerd that nerd that I am, I started my reading assignments a week early, which gives me hope for the chance I may be able to cut myself some slack further down the road.So I take this time now to ask for your forgiveness in what will be an inevitable drop in the frequency of my posts. But believe me, If there is anything in the sociolinguistic history of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that I think you think you'd be interested in, I'll share without qualm. But for the most part, I'll be sure to keep this thing as lively and jumping as I can, because lord knows I don't need to bore you with my educational lessons.
Today also marks the first day of real, unobstructed sunshine since last Monday when little miss tropical storm decided to park its heavy ass over our heads here in central Florida. I welcome the sunshine, but could definately do without the humidity factor.
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