Mayochup: i LOVE her dress
LaceLeyes: ya im not a fan of sequence like u
LaceLeyes: its just so intense
Mayochup: you mean of sequins?
LaceLeyes: ohhhhhhh
Mayochup: because sequence is like the order that things go in
Mayochup: sequins are sparkly things
LaceLeyes: learning something new everyday its true!
Mayochup: lol
LaceLeyes: well it sonly differs by like one sound!
Mayochup: they are homonyms
LaceLeyes: i used to wear sequins all the times
LaceLeyes: no i dont think they are
LaceLeyes: because those are like see and sea right?
Mayochup: no, but youre right
Mayochup: theyre not
Mayochup: homonyms share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings.
Mayochup: they dont have to sound the same
LaceLeyes: oh and then homophones are something else too
LaceLeyes: oh my god too much 2nd grade spelling class coming back at me!
Mayochup: no, homophones is right
Mayochup: different spelling
Mayochup: same pronunciation
Mayochup: (btw i cant believe were having this conversation right now)
Mayochup: i wanna marry you
LaceLeyes: hahahha
LaceLeyes: homophones only differ in meaning
Mayochup: yes
Mayochup: youre right
LaceLeyes: right
LaceLeyes: HAHA
LaceLeyes: im like putting it all together
Mayochup: homophones can also differ in spelling though
Mayochup: they are homonyms
LaceLeyes: right
Mayochup: no
Mayochup: im confusing myself
LaceLeyes: sew and so
Mayochup: they are homophones
Mayochup: homonyms are spelled the same and sound the same
Mayochup:homophones are spelled the same or different but sound the same
Mayochup: and have different meaning
LaceLeyes: right
Mayochup: Homographs are words that are written the same way but have different meanings and often different pronunciations
Mayochup: so they are homophones
Mayochup: jesus this is too intense for me
LaceLeyes: right because graphemes are letters
LaceLeyes: hahaha
Mayochup: lol
Mayochup: so um, marry me?
Mayochup:like now?
LaceLeyes: english major right?
Mayochup: ill tell kevin he doesnt have to come over
Mayochup: right
LaceLeyes: when an english major and speech therapist collide!
Mayochup: lol!!
LaceLeyes: THAT should be our slogan
Mayochup: we start haing conversations about glottal stops and graphemes
Mayochup: jesus were bad
Mayochup: acutally its glottal stops and homophones
LaceLeyes: i can start writing you letters written in phonemes (sounds)
LaceLeyes: instead of alphabetically
Mayochup: i know what phonemes are, thats an english term too
LaceLeyes: i love doing that actually
Mayochup: do it!! leave me (hope youre ready for this) phonemenal comments!
LaceLeyes: well i can try but i dont have a phonemic alphabet on my computer.Mayochup: damn it
LaceLeyes: i kinda want david to go home, he’s boring even tho he can sing
Mayochup: cook?
LaceLeyes: oh no i mean not david....that guy in the bottom 3 right now. Mayochup: oh yea
Mayochup: me too
Mayochup: i didnt like him from the first day
Mayochup: he reminds me of enrique iglesias
Mayochup: and coming from miami that means gay
LaceLeyes: hahah
Mayochup: they are synonyms