Miss me?

If I told you once, I've told you at least a thousand times that I am a busy girl. So get your fix of me while I'm not posting writing: check out my various tumblrs.

Click for shit i find online. or for personal Photography.


Friday, August 29, 2008

School Work, Sexy Nutella Stories, Post Secrets

The prompt was this:

Review the PostSecret site. Choose one of the "secrets" as a staring point for your own flash fiction. Write a short short story of no more than 750 words. Make sure to create a title.

My choice was this:My story came out like this:

The A-line Skirt

She walked into my room at 8:22 in the morning. The light, at that moment was filtering through my windows already and I needed to be up 20 minutes ago. Before she came in, I could smell toast burning in the kitchen. As she entered, so did the smell of coffee....

Unfortunately, Ive taken this post down so that it can be considered for publication. Stay tuned!

SUCCESS!! This story was recently published on Penduline Press. Read it HERE

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I mean really? Are you kidding me?

A couple months ago I flipped my car onto its side, I wrote a magnificent little rant about how my serpentine belt broke two days after getting it back from the shop (and you can read that here). Well since then, it has continued to be nothing but a nightmare with my car, which finally gave up and called it quits with me yesterday.

This relationship with my 2006 Ford Focus has by far been one of the most fruitless, thankless, and difficult that I have ever had. Here is a vehicle, that was bought brand spanking new, with love care and the intention to commit and for what? because four days after I bought someone hit the front passenger side, 8 months after that someone hit the back passenger side. and now, as if that wasn't enough, the car gets a whole brand new driver side, on account of me having landed on it.

Fast forward to now, Ive put about 2000 of my own money into that car, my insurance company another 9 grand. The car itself is only worth about 8, and I still owe 14. but Fuck it.

This Friday, I'm going to get a new car. With absolutely no money to my name, with a clunker of a car that I'm not sure i can even start, Im going to drive out of that Toyota dealership with a brand new yaris. I'm going to pay the same, if not less, a month than I am paying now and everything will be amazing. If the world's previous experience with an angry, bitching Melanie has taught it anything at all, I hope it is the importance of not fucking with me when I'm pissed.

So in the end, as a result of my miserable yesterday, I dropped my Tuesday class and did all my homework for my other classes wrote out my interview with Black Kid's keyboardist Dawn Watley and began to devellop my overall strategy for the feature.

FTW. Thank you.

Steinski - What Was Raymond Doing With His Hands_ (A Soundtrack for a Real Swinger of a Nightmare)

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Whole Other Week

This week marks my third and (hopefully) final return to being a student at the University of Central Florida. Taking Art of Cinema, Linguistics and Literature and the Advanced Fiction Writing workshop, writing for the O-Weekly, keeping my full time job puts me in an inevitably incredibly busy position. The nerd that nerd that I am, I started my reading assignments a week early, which gives me hope for the chance I may be able to cut myself some slack further down the road.

So I take this time now to ask for your forgiveness in what will be an inevitable drop in the frequency of my posts. But believe me, If there is anything in the sociolinguistic history of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that I think you think you'd be interested in, I'll share without qualm. But for the most part, I'll be sure to keep this thing as lively and jumping as I can, because lord knows I don't need to bore you with my educational lessons.

Today also marks the first day of real, unobstructed sunshine since last Monday when little miss tropical storm decided to park its heavy ass over our heads here in central Florida. I welcome the sunshine, but could definately do without the humidity factor.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Jessi's Alcoholic Friends

A wonderful little slide show of what life is like in the O-town downtown circuit. Compiled by Jessi. Meet our friends.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Return of Krames and The Do Nothing Day

With no work and nothing I can do without getting responses from people who refuse to respond to me, yesterday was an incredibly uneventful and boring day. I succeeded in not setting foot outside my apartment and instead sat with Katie and Kevin and accomplished the following:

  • Watched 6 episodes of scrubs - reruns of course
  • Watched The Birdcage
  • Watched Mystery Men
  • Ate Chicken Pot Pie, Omelet with bell peppers and turkey, tuna sandwich, blueberry and cream muffin
  • drank coffee and beer (not at the same time tho)
  • Updated my Website to include twitter feeds and Tumblr Feeds
  • Wrote more of my Feature
It was so intense it made me tired. And i went to bed at midnight. Today I wake up crampy, bloated, menstrual and bitchy. I was tired before getting out of bed.
Nevertheless tonight i will be out on the town for the third appearance of NY based Krames at (rumors have it the last) Carnival.
His last two appearances at Orlando's Wednesday night weekly were arguably two of the best nights for the ongoing event, and this third appearance is most likely going to fall right in with the rest.

Shake off the dust and come out to party with those irreverent carnies. Its bound to be one hell of a party

Daft Punk- What more time- Krames remix

More photos by Kcoll Tonight!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Mondays in O-town

(click for full size flyer)

Every Monday night, there is a group of die-hard, ready-for-the-party kind of kids that gather at backbooth for One of Orlando's longest running weeklies, CRUSH. Its surprising that in a town occupied primarily by transients and tourists, a party like crush would've managed to survive. But perhaps the best summation of its success comes from the man behind it all, Pauly Crush:
CRUSH is special. It's a Monday night in a city whose nightlife is as fickle as its weather. How has it lasted? Why are we still here? It's because of you. It's because the people that come to CRUSH love what we do and they guide us towards becoming better DJs, more informed musicians, and unintrusive marketers. It's because our friends and fans work as hard as we do to make sure every night goes off. It's because our party is not a business. It's a party.
Now, "1,040 Hours of Partying, 2,088 Tracks First Heard at Crush, and 208 Free Kegs Later,
(but still the same F*ckin President)" Crush celebrates its 4th anniversary, which is one hell of a feat.

So come out and celebrate with Pauly, Miss Fit, Justin Scott and E.Strange and all the regulars, the occasional visitors and the new faces, as they welcome the fifth year of the party's existence. Join us in pretending that It's Friday, drinking way too much for a Monday, and waking up on Tuesday feeling like hell. I'll be there, and here's a visual clue to help you find me:Doors open at 10pm but get on the Guest List and get in Free before 11. 18+ welcome. $3 After Midnight. Photos by Kcoll and Kapoow

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Stormy Weather, Cherry Cokes

I am bored by certain people. I am not aggravated or angry, i am not remorseful or regretful. I'm not lurking or caring, I'm not prying or even asking. I just don't care, really.

Its actually quite funny, and I love the fact that people get such a rise out of being 'neglected, dejected and left behind'. Why am I so happy about this, lets see

  • I have kept the friends that i have made through hard work and effort. And i have done it without forcing people to pick sides, causing people to respect me, instead of continuing to befriend me because of a sense of pity.
  • I have moved forward professionally, creatively, romantically and socially. I have made it beyond what I have ever expected i such a short period of time. I have not sated myself with my accomplishments so far, I always want more, which keeps me moving forward
  • I am capable of taking the bad influences from my life, while retaining the lessons in humility, in pride, in caring and in influence that they have taught me.
  • I have realized the importance of language, the power of effective communication and the necessity for honesty and openness.
  • I have realized that unlike a lot of people, the only ones i want in my life are the ones that can not only take, but can give criticism effectively and with honesty.
  • I have learned that apologizing is a sign of weakness, and pointless if not meant, if not honest. Apologizing without being sorry is a waste of time, of words.

Regardless, I am happy of where I am. I am thankful. for the friends I have, I am happy with the things I have said and I am relieved to not have to deal with anymore childish whining on any one's part.

In closing, If you think its worth your time to open your mouth and discuss me, let me tell you now that its not. I really don't care and you will be wasting your time. It will not bother me, and more than likely, it will just make me laugh at your ignorance, immaturity and border-line insanity.

Now, lets go have a soda and watch Bob Saget get roasted.

p.s. I also highly recommend you learn to use a spelling and grammar checker. It could potentially save you much undue embarrassment.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Way Too Much Thinking...

I came up with a theory the other day that people with overactive imaginations like you and I, in order to be creative and remain as such, have to live in a world where the unknown is spun into something, a story with no gaps....when our lives encounter those gaps we go into story mode in our minds and it all just compounds and loops and well, you know where it goes from there.

Skeletons In the Closet

A woman takes a lover home during the day while her husband is at
Her 9-year old son comes home unexpectedly, sees them and hides in
the bedroom closet to watch.
The woman's husband also comes home. She puts her lover in the
closet, not realizing that the little boy is in there already.
The little boy says, "Dark in here."
The man says, "Yes, it is."
Boy: "I have a baseball."
Man: "That's nice"
Boy: "Want to buy it?"
Man: "No, thanks."
Boy: "My Dad's outside."
Man: "OK, how much?"
Boy: "$250"
In the next few weeks, it happens again that the boy and the lover
are in the closet together.
Boy: "Dark in here."
Man: "Yes, it is."
Boy: "I have a baseball glove."
The lover, remembering the last time, asks the boy, "How much?"
Boy: "$750"
Man: "Sold."
A few days later, the Dad says to the boy, "Grab your glove,
let's go outside and have a game of catch."
The boy says, "I can't, I sold my baseball and my glove."
The Dad asks, "How much did you sell them for?"
Boy: "$1,000"
The Dad says, "That's terrible to over charge your friends
like that...that is way more than those two things cost. I'm taking you to church,
to confession."
They go to the church and the Dad makes the little boy sit in the
confessional booth and closes the door.
The boy says, "Dark in here."
The priest says, "Don't start that shit again; you're in my closet now."

A product of my upbringing.

Tesla Coils?
Super Mario Bros?
Count Me IN!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Poem: Oh Yes by Charles Bukowski

there are worse things than
being alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
too late.

Lonely Hearts, Clumsy Feet

I have always felt expendable. In friendships, relationships, business ventures I always seem to feel like Im just a place holder. Something to fill a blank until the right answer or person or opinion comes along.

Its one of those deep seeded character flaws that comes wrapped in a bunch of loveliness: jealousy, insecurity, anger, distrust. Its one of those things that you work at forever to never change.

I am always scared of ending up alone. Like my mother, whom I idolize.

But, I am loved, always by one person or another, although sometimes in silence. Given value to through the strengths of my friendships and reassuring words. But still I know ill one day be just me, without anything. and I wonder, one day when he or she or they think back, will my memory still be there?

"I'll see you again, here under the mountains, where it only rains by night, and the sky is so great and reaching, it's always inked with the past dawn or the coming dusk. The stars will be our blanket, but we won't need to sleep. There will be only you, me, and the dust, but really only you."

"Curs in the Weeds" - Horse Feathers from House With No Home
"Clumsy" - Our Lady Peace From Clumsy
Coldplay vs. T.I. - What You Know, Scientist? (ELLIOT vs. QUIX) (link has been fixed)
M83 - Kim & Jessie (Montag Remix)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Day that Nothing Changed

I was sitting here for and thinking about storms and randomly deciding out of nowhere to watch you videos of lightingin strikes. There are some pretty amazing ones.
like this shit.

my mouth gets me in trouble a lot. either that or people are too sensitive lately. I'm gonna go ahead and pretend its the latter because its not like everyone takes what i tell them to heart.

Regardless of the consequences of my actions, today i feel as if I have a huge (or tiny depending on how you look at it.) weight lifted off my shoulders. It is good as well as being sad. with of of the former not the latter.

and this video just flat out made me giggle.

ah. pop culture.

Anyways, my Google reader is desperate for some attention right now.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Meow-sers 2!!

I am Ninja.
No, I will not leave you alone.
Love me.

photo by kcoll
edited by mgap

Humor: Aim Logs - When an english major and speech therapist collide

Mayochup: i LOVE her dress
LaceLeyes: ya im not a fan of sequence like u
LaceLeyes: its just so intense
Mayochup: you mean of sequins?
LaceLeyes: ohhhhhhh
Mayochup: because sequence is like the order that things go in
Mayochup: sequins are sparkly things
LaceLeyes: learning something new everyday its true!
Mayochup: lol
LaceLeyes: well it sonly differs by like one sound!
Mayochup: they are homonyms
LaceLeyes: i used to wear sequins all the times
LaceLeyes: no i dont think they are
LaceLeyes: because those are like see and sea right?
Mayochup: no, but youre right
Mayochup: theyre not
Mayochup: homonyms share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings.
Mayochup: they dont have to sound the same
LaceLeyes: oh and then homophones are something else too
LaceLeyes: oh my god too much 2nd grade spelling class coming back at me!
Mayochup: no, homophones is right
Mayochup: different spelling
Mayochup: same pronunciation
Mayochup: (btw i cant believe were having this conversation right now)
Mayochup: i wanna marry you
LaceLeyes: hahahha
LaceLeyes: homophones only differ in meaning
Mayochup: yes
Mayochup: youre right
LaceLeyes: right
LaceLeyes: HAHA
LaceLeyes: im like putting it all together
Mayochup: homophones can also differ in spelling though
Mayochup: they are homonyms
LaceLeyes: right
Mayochup: no
Mayochup: im confusing myself
LaceLeyes: sew and so
Mayochup: they are homophones
Mayochup: homonyms are spelled the same and sound the same
Mayochup:homophones are spelled the same or different but sound the same
Mayochup: and have different meaning
LaceLeyes: right
Mayochup: Homographs are words that are written the same way but have different meanings and often different pronunciations
Mayochup: so they are homophones
Mayochup: jesus this is too intense for me
LaceLeyes: right because graphemes are letters
LaceLeyes: hahaha
Mayochup: lol
Mayochup: so um, marry me?
Mayochup:like now?
LaceLeyes: english major right?
Mayochup: ill tell kevin he doesnt have to come over
Mayochup: right
LaceLeyes: when an english major and speech therapist collide!
Mayochup: lol!!
LaceLeyes: THAT should be our slogan
Mayochup: we start haing conversations about glottal stops and graphemes
Mayochup: jesus were bad
Mayochup: acutally its glottal stops and homophones
LaceLeyes: i can start writing you letters written in phonemes (sounds)
LaceLeyes: instead of alphabetically
Mayochup: i know what phonemes are, thats an english term too
LaceLeyes: i love doing that actually
Mayochup: do it!! leave me (hope youre ready for this) phonemenal comments!
LaceLeyes: well i can try but i dont have a phonemic alphabet on my computer.
Mayochup: damn it
LaceLeyes: i kinda want david to go home, he’s boring even tho he can sing
Mayochup: cook?
LaceLeyes: oh no i mean not david....that guy in the bottom 3 right now.
Mayochup: oh yea
Mayochup: me too
Mayochup: i didnt like him from the first day
Mayochup: he reminds me of enrique iglesias
Mayochup: and coming from miami that means gay
LaceLeyes: hahah
Mayochup: they are synonyms


This is Banksy. Banksy Say Hello.

photo by kcoll
edited by mgap

The Day Crawls on...

Holy Shit has work been kicking my ass lately. My Boss and Sales partner has been in Vegas since Friday for a trade show, which of course leaves me to sit here and pick up all the pieces of his "in-progress" deals while finishing mine. I realize more and more how underpaid I am and it's not exactly fun. I bitch about it constantly. Read for yourself.

My mother leaves to Brazil tomorrow, and I hate when she leaves because my freezer and my supply of high end imported french foods starts to seriously deplete. I am left to eat ramen and steak from winn-dixie which is just so below me. heh.

Fun Links for the day:
- Piepmatzel.de - Love this site's layout, lots of cool links on it
- A Story on how to deal to with life complete with illustrations
- Babies are funny
- Jin - Amazing Illustrations

How shitty would you feel if you got shot with a Hot Pink, Neon Blue and leopard print AR15?

Friday, August 8, 2008

Surviving the Week, Getting through Friday

Work today is retarded. So I'm doing anything. I dont know if its because i feel lazy or because i just dont want to try for no reason, but I'm not even really in the mood to write.

So this is today's half-assed attempt at a decent post by someone who has definately not slept enough this week. Thank god for Bullet Points

  • So You Think You Can Dance is over, and I am slightly saddened that neither Katee, nor Twitch won, since, in my opinion they both deserved it more than Joshua.
  • If Satan ever loses his hair, there'll be hell toupee.
  • I found a fun little website. Deceiver is fun because its bitchy. It's fun because it details the hypocritical actions of stupid rich people. It's fun because I said so.
  • Found an amazing little article about how Pandas are evolutions big fat mistake.
  • Found a cool comic about Flight Attendants
  • Totaly Want these shoes
  • Totally digging this song

Anyways I should probably get back to work or something. I know i have to make a quote for some guy in Dubai and this retard on the phone with me stutters so much i could punch him.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Why I Love Having Titties or, The Idiot that Got Scammed at Home Depot

A "heads up" for those men who may be regular Home Depot customers. Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends.

Here's how the scam works:

Two seriously good-looking 20-21 year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping into the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. It is impossible not to look.

When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say "No" and instead ask you for a ride to another Home Depot. You agree and they get in the backseat. On the way, they start undressing. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over you, while the other one steals your wallet. I had my wallet stolen November 4th, 9th,10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, & 24th 29th. Also December 1st, 4th, twice on the 8th, 16th, 23rd, 26th, 30th, three times last Saturday and very likely again this upcoming weekend.

So tell your friends to be careful.

P.S. Walmart has wallets on sale 2.99 each


Really Guy, You had your wallet stolen 9 times in one month because you were letting home depot tramps fondle you in your car? I'm sure men all over the world thank you for the warning, but women all over the world think youre easy, and stupid.

All of a sudden, I've gotta make an emergency run to Home depot for some, uh, wood. But first, where did I put that Wonderbra?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

In the 1940's we had cartoons that showed us "Tommorow"

I remember watching these on Saturdays at my mother's house in Miami, at age 8 or 9 or something. Sitting on that terrazzo floor, eating watermelons or chocolate or who knows what watching these, I remember being fascinated. So much so that they stuck with me. I watched a lot of cartoons. A lot. Today, one of my oldest childhood friend, Tati IM's me.

[T]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY7vQHekwB0&feature=related
mayochup: lol
mayochup: are you seriously sitting around watching cartoon on youtube?
[T]: yes i was reminiscing with my friend
[T]: the old disney cartoons
mayochup: I always try to find those "house of the future" "Cars of the future" cartoons.

Then I suddenly realized these are probably gonna be on YouTube, and sure enough they were.

They made me laugh. Here's why:

  • The Stove - The bit about the window got me. I guess the fact that a 'window' in your oven a feature of 'Tommorow' is kinda odd to me. But then I looked into it. Turns out stoves looked more like the one here in the 40's. But, still windows in stoves being the cool new thing in 2075? That seemed a little extreme. Turns out the original narration was for 1975, but they changed it in post.
  • Tanning Bulb - Check. We've actually moved past those, towards Organic Spray Tans. Gotta love it.
  • Bacon Straightener - I want that. As Seen on TV.

Oh, the car of Tommorow. LMAO @ the "paris made model". Plunging neckline, superb. I wish they still made TV like this.

Humor: Aim Logs - Brazians

: Kevin and i are a repertoire of music
[H]: you two are
[H]: i just thought kevin took photos
[H]: i didnt know he was the jedi master of house music
[H]: hahaha
mayochup: lol
mayochup: we both we are
[H]: well i can juggle?
[H]: and what!
mayochup: youre asian
mayochup: asians juggle
mayochup: brazilians drink
mayochup: hispanics cook
mayochup: and white people eat
[H]: mexicans plant stuff
mayochup: that doo
mayochup: too*
mayochup: black people pick the stuff that mexicans plant
[H]: hahaha
[H]: speaking of which
[H]: why is their cotton on top of pill bottles?
mayochup: cuz im broke but need cotton balls?
[H]: no
[H]: to remind black people they were cotton pickers before they became drug dealers
mayochup: lmao
[H]: hahaha yeah i know
[H]: that was wrong
[H]: funny and wrong
mayochup: this entire conversation was wrong
mayochup: really, i think im putting it on myspace
[H]: put it up on a bulletin
[H]: and mention my name
[H]: phone number
[H]: and address
mayochup: will do
[H]: and social so the mexicans can steal it
mayochup: ok, can i have your:
full name
phone number
[H] Juan Pablo Escobar
407 566 1243
501 22 1234

Monday, August 4, 2008

Music: So what if you kissed a girl

I originally wrote this as a post for my other blog, Fuckin Shit Sucks which uses "so what if" a jumping point for complaints. It made me laugh a lot so i decided to repost it here. I'm sick as hell of this song, and I dont really want to hear it ever again.


You know what, good for you Kate. I'm proud that, unlike peaches, you decided to flaunt your wild side by telling us all about the time you kissed a girl, and you liked it. It was really a very wise decision on your part. Especially considering how you look exactly like her. Not being a total bitch about how you love the pussy, even tho you love the cock was a smart move, I can assure you of that.

Still, If I had to choose between your buttery good-girl-turned-lesbo-tramp-on-a-saturday-night-from-drinking-too-much and peaches go-fuck-yourself attitude, the bitch would be tops on my list of black haired songbird girlies i'd wanna make out with.

And don't like, you didnt like it. What you liked is the attention you get from singing about it. The money you get from whoring out your remixes.
Unless you're actually Zoey Deschanel's alter ego, get off the radar.

If you are Zoey Deschanel's alter ego, then good job at being a total failure to your reputation.

News: Me! Me! Me!

Its all about me after all, so lets recap some of the great things that I've accomplished lately. In no particular order

  1. Got a freelance position at the Orlando Weekly, writing music related reviews and articles
  2. Am now an official contributor to Don't Sleep Orlando (but havent contributed anyting yet)
  3. Purchased a 500gig Hard Drive
  4. Met and exceeded my sales of $80,ooo by $24,000.
  5. Set up my desk at home to inspire creativity
  6. Set up my website, created digital portals for my work
  7. Continued to work on my second blog Fucking Shit Sucks, and bitched at my contributors for not contributing
  8. Got invited to participate in the planning and organization of Rock In Rio - which is huge!
  9. Hit 1,500 visitors to my blog since I started tracking it in June, and marketing it in July
  10. Didn't yell at a few of the particularly annoying people in my life.
  11. Managed to look particularly awesome every day
  12. Still dance weekly with a busted knee-cap
Yes, I know, I am amazing and you want an ounce of my bravado. It'll be on sale soon, I'm sure.
Maybe I deserve those shoes after all.

Threads: Aesop Rock x Adidas x Upper Playground

If I had to choose only three things in the world that i would be allowed to purchase for the rest of my life, they would be pizza, shoes and music. If i had to chose from a list of artists to pick my favorite, Aesop Rock would have a running lead.

You know, those artists that define your adolescence, or really represent an era in your life that defines who you are now? well, that's Aesop for me, whose music defined my teen years and decided many of my travel plans from 2000-2006.

Now, me and shoes, we have something special going on. I'm broke all the time, but the little bit of money i do have, If I'm not dishing it out for something to furnish my home, goes towards shoes (or pizza).

Put my two loves together. and the result is gray and "eerie", and truly really coveted by yours truly.

Thank you kevin. You are amazing. <3

From Upper Playground:
This Stan Smith shoe is the third release in the four-part adidaPublish Posts Originals sneaker series that also includes designs from fine artists Herbert Baglione, David Choe and Sam Flores.

Aesop Rock is an American hip-hop artist from New York that is known for his storytelling style of rap. He has collaborated with established entities such as Nike and painter Jeremy Fish on various projects, and he is excited to introduce his first sneaker design with Upper Playground.

Aesop Rock explains the design concept behind his Stan Smith sneaker: “The faded green and gold colors have a strange eerie-meets-regal vibe that I liked when designing the art for last year's None Shall Pass album. I wanted to continue that color scheme, and keep it pretty simple. I didn’t want anything too intrusive. Basically I just wanted something that I’d rock, and my mother might even wear them.”


While youre there, check out the new sam flores design set to drop on thursday.


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Video: Supreme Court Rules Death Penalty Is 'Totally Badass'

Supreme Court Rules Death Penalty Is 'Totally Badass'


Friday, August 1, 2008

Threads: Puma Puma Disc Blaze Treasure "The Goonies" Edition

Via highsnobiety: Legendary 17th century pirate, One-Eyed Willie couldn‘t have seen this one coming… PUMA got their hands on his buried treasure map. The actual map that was used by those kids from Astoria, Oregon in the 1985 film. Puma obtained exclusive rights to the artwork and constructed this LE release out of the map on our most iconic runner from the early 1980‘s, the Disc Blaze.It features the infamous Disc closure system, heavy weave pull tabs and exclusive Goonies film logos on heel, sockliner and midsole. The limited Puma sneaker comes in a customized burlap Goonies sack.

Overkill will be releasing the Puma Disc Blaze Treasure "The Goonies" Edition on the 6th of December 2008. DO NOT BUY ONE.

until i get mine.

Disc Blazes are awesome. Easy to tie, lightweight and just awesome. Kevin has the ones below and you can better see the disc tie system on them (not to mention the tetris pieces on the slip on sock part of the shoe). They're super easy to get on and off and super confortable.

God will proabably punish me one day for my love affair with shoes.

Detailed images of the entire pack after on highsnobiety.

The Rapture - Who! Alright-Yeah (Goonies Remix)

About This Blog

My small contribution to wide world of sharing useless, random, pointless, yet interesting information across the web. A shameless plug for my awesomeness. A collection of random and amazing things.

I write reviews, I write stories, I write about my daily occurences, I complain about everything. I have a few blogs throughout the world, but this one is my favorite, mostly because it's mine.

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Words Of Wisdom

Both reading and writing are acts of supreme faith. They are both, in essence, a call to grace, a belief in the miraculous - that we might come to see through stories what we had not previously seen, that we might come to understand what had, before that moment, remained uncertain, undefined. The mask of fiction, of writing and reading stories, does not, in the end, disguise our faces but instead reveals who we really are. In the, stories acknowledge life's difficulty and sadness but insist that we go on anyway, that we always hold to our faith, to our belief in grace.

- John Gregory Brown

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