A little Dose of Badass: Its been...
A bit of time since I've gotten the energy to get on this thing. And sticking mostly to the blog on my dearly loved Myspace, Ive neglected to update and renew information on my other babies. It seems that there really is an abundance of social networking sites out there, and each country, each city, each group of people has their own preference of which to use.
Frankly I'm a little bored and sick of it and pretty much just want a conglomerate site that checks everything and leave no-one unconnected, since that seems to be the intended purpose anyways.
Get to it fox.
My google reader has been very busy lately, and it makes life amazing. It seems that summer is the time for downtempo, and what i guess can be qualified as 'chill' music, or lounge, which I find relatively ironic considering Summer (which, being in florida, i consider everything from Feb to Nov to be summer) is also the time for the most pumped up parties and crazy events that surround being in the 'scene'. WMC, the Justice myspace music show, WMC events, all that march wonderfulness.
I will be doing a couple reviews, and im overall very excited about it.
Im also excited about midget wrestling.
more in a bit, i should probably start working or something...
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